검색 팝업창

Buisiness Areas 밝은 미래를 향해 주식회사 제네스코

    Our company imports high-export-volume lumber from Russia, providing environmentally friendly and high-quality wood products to our customers.

    Moving forward, we will continue to strengthen our close relationships with Russian lumber producers to ensure we meet our customers' specific needs and are committed to continuous improvement.

    Lumber specification
    Wood type Size Grades Moisture (%)
    T(±2mm) W(±2mm) L(±50mm)
    Spruce 26 120 3600 1 18(±2)
    Sideboard specification
    Wood type Size Grades Moisture (%)
    T(±2mm) W(±2mm) L(±50mm)
    Spruce&Fir 16 78 3,000 ~ 4,000 2-3 18(±2mm)
    16 118 3,000 ~ 4,000 2-3 18(±2mm)
    19 75 3,000 ~ 4,000 2-3 18(±2mm)
    22 75 3,000 ~ 4,000 2-3 18(±2mm)